Dolls & Gents Drill Team and Drumline
The Baby Dolls & The Dolls: Young Ladies *K-5th grade.
Directed by Drill Mistress' with over 25+ years experience in marching, performance, and competing.
Learn drillteam fundamentals. Perform and compete at various parades and events.
Build self confidence, leadership skills + teamwork skills. No experience required.
The Dolls and Gents Drumline: Young Men + Young Ladies 6th-12th grade.
Directed by an experienced Drummer, with over 10+ years in percussion techniques, drumline and marching band.
Learn how to play percussion instruments, read music, march with proficiency, while building confidence and having fun. No experience required.
Interested in learning more?
The Dolls: 6th-12th grade
The Baby Dolls: *K-5th grade
*must provide legal document confirming age/current school enrollment.
Dolls & Gents Drumline: 6th-12th grade
One Child: $225
Two children (same household): $400
Three children (same household): $575
Four children (same household): $750
Add $175 For each additional child in the same household. The above membership fee includes transportation to a select amount of parades. *There will be additional expenses.
Registration fees must be paid in full at the time of registration.
No Spots will be held.
No Partial payments will be accepted.
No Refunds.
Payment Methods: Cash, Cashier Checks, Credit/Debit.
2024-2025 Registration Information:
Contact us for more information.